Wednesday 14 February 2007


Then she has cursed the rainy night
That she opened up and let him in-o.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Tuesday 13 February 2007


Sometimes it is hard to stop talking and really few things could be more frightening than to create an impression of intent that it is frankly very hard to negate without intense embarrassment and while there are worse things it rarely seems so at the time.

Then when it is over being alone is terribly hard, but usually there is sleep soon and that helps. And there is no longer any pressure to make sense, so really there is much for which to be grateful.

Sleep now, then, and perhaps the words will stop when they are so demonstrably unwelcome.


There are more Mad Maudlins than anyone likes to think. Most of them hide it better than this, but they're there.

It doesn't make anything any better, but then again it doesn't make it worse because originality is at best only a slightly less hollow illusion than most. This Mad Maudlin is glad to be spared it.

It Is Nice Here

Mad Maudlin mainly likes it here because nobody can find her and she does not have to be herself. She knows that her self is not the person inside her head, it is the person other people make up in their heads and she wishes she didn't know that. She would like to be able to control who she is and that is why sometimes she has to hide.

Mostly she does not want the responsibility. Expectations save an awful lot of trouble and self-determination would probably not get her anywhere.

Mad Maudlin would like perhaps to be less maudlin and more mad.

She would not presume to use the first person here. She knows that this is not her self but just the person in her head and she knows her place.


Mad Maudlin is a sheep, it says. Mad Maudlin is not sure that this is true but she would like it to be. Then she wouldn't have to know so much.


There are simply no words for how frightening boats are. Mad Maudlin won't go near them with their dreadful looming wooden walls and their constant threat of movement. They could move at any time and it might well be downward. They are too big and they cannot possibly be able to float.

They are too big.

It's Deadly Here
